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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Research - Trailers

Paranormal Activity 3

Paranormal Activity 3 is a major hitting horror film based on a 'Demon' who has been following the same family for a very long time; This trailer is the 3rd film released, i decided not to look at the other two trailers because it would be pointless as they are practically about the same thing and the same family, so if i was to analyse the other i would be simply wasting my time as they are all very very similar. i chose the 3rd film because i haven't yet seen it and i would like to get a feel as to why i would watch it, i think if you analyse films you have seen, you don't understand what the trailer is putting across because you know the whole content.

The introduction of the film uses similar characteristics to any others, it stars like a happy family; children on the trampoline saying hi to the camera, the occasional camera twitch is incorporated to make you feel a little tense at these points, and it makes the younger girl a little creepy when she is avoiding saying hi, making the situation more tense. It then uses flashes from the other films 1&2 with loud sound effects, preparing you feel anxious about the rest of the trailer.

The film then goes into how we will find out about how it all began, and you see more clips or the previous films, and significant objects from previous films also, for example the picture thetas burnt around the edges or one daughter. We occasionally we flashes of what this film is about but not many, until we get to the two sisters in the bathroom, they say bloody Mary 3times and the bigger sister scares the other, because the film makers have made you go so silent ad stare at the screen, when she does scream, you really get a shock, when the girls leave, you just see a figure in the bathroom ad a really loud sound effect similar to a scream, this makes the audience think 'OH MY GOD' what is that?! Its always good to try and reach for a reaction.

The camera often goes to night vision throughout the trailer, but it looks really good because it gets you prepared to be shocked because the audience know that its night time.

I think this trailer works really well, it doesn't give too much away, other than what we already know from the first two films, this is a brilliant way for a film maker to set up the 3rd film, without letting the audience know too much about it. I think that the mystery behind it makes it a must watch, and watching this trailer now, i think I'm actually going to watch, which is the reaction that all trailers should receive from an audience.

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