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Friday, November 18, 2011


The Devil Inside

This trailer is a different kind of 'Paranormal/Supernatural' genre, this trailer is about a a daughter who wants to find out why her mother committed several murders, and she trys to figure it out by similar experiences and close encounters with her mothers story, this is supernatural because the woman is not 'herself' and something is possessing her so it seems. The story of a mother and daughter is also an emotional connection and makes the film trigger of all sorts of emotion, which makes an audience more involved in the drama.

I love how at the beginning they use a 911 call and she is speaking in very disturbing voice, saying she murdered 3 men, and it just goes blank, this technique is a brilliant way to dramatically begin a trailer because we have no idea how they died, and the where abouts of the murderer.

The daughter is going to see her mum in the film and she is very worried in case she will inherit similar characteristics, her mother is now in what is seems to be a psychopath hospital, in Rome. When facing her mother, she performs these acts which are so frightening for someone to watch, which makes you feel so uneasy and tense, especially when showing her the cuts, and she is saying speech really fast that is unable to be made out. She then screams with so much passion, and the reaction in terrifying, the way the film maker has captured the attention and the fear of people this early in the trailer is so effective.

The daughter decides to get a better insight to her mothers problems and she gets involved in exorcisms, the one you see with the twisted human is ultimately shocking and it completely works in the trailer, the click of her bones made me flinch, this silence and focus on the person creates massive drama and gives the viewer a wide eye to keep your focus on the whole trailer.

We find out her mum is possessed in the trailer and the perform some sort of operation on her what could be another exorcism, and when she screams again, the trailer used a sound effect that pierces the atmosphere of the person watching it. When the nursery rhyme comes on, it continues to play for while, helping the trailer to remain on a high tension level.

As the trailer ends it ends very dramatic, similar to other trailers i have looked at, this is a great way to keep impact after the trailer is finished, the camera sometimes goes distorted and makes a screech making the viewer feel uneasy due to the switch from image to image.

Overall the trailer was very effective and successfully got across its point by using many different techniques. I cant think of any negatives for this trailer because i believe that the makers of the film added so much variation and scenes i was always satisfied with what i saw, and it left a lasting impression, my friends also thought the same.

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