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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Research - Trailers.


This trailer is a family paranormal/supernatural and includes aspects of emotion not just horror, it is about a family member ( a sister/daughter), who appears t have something wrong with her, the family must this it is something psychiatric because they send her to a hospital and perform tests on her, however this appears not not to be working, she seems to think its some evil force, and gets in contact with a priest, this thing inside her seems to be destroying family life.

The trailer starts very dramatic because we immediately see her cutting her hand, and making signs with the blood, making a trailer this intense at the beginning is a brilliant was to keep your audience interested, we cannot really make out what the sign is or says, but its not exactly normal to see this sign in everyday life, so we know that she has though of it and drawn it from her imagination with her own blood.
Emma ( the girl from the film then has a fit and has foam coming out of her mouth, and falls to the floor, her dad appears very concerned and we (the audience) want to know what is wrong with her. 'a quote then pops up saying 'somethign is happening to Emma Evans' this statement is clearly obvious and you feel like you need/ want to find out what is wrong her (this is why plain text can be very effective in a trailer)
We see her going through her treatments and clearly her 'promlem' is not being figured out by doctors, so we still cannot manage to figure out her problem,  the scene suddenly turns into Ouija  Board, which means she is connecting with the spirits for some reason, making you start to think she is possessed or something along these lines, but her family are in dis belief of the devil.
A sudden scream is let out making you jump and you see a toilet full of cockroaches, however you can sort of distinguish the difference between real life and imagination at this point, you hear her say 'somethign entered me that night' you assume she means the Ouija Board night, and 'they want her what' and we don't find out the rest of the quote, this creates more questioning for the viewer, making them carry on watching due to confusion. The slow scene up to the door is frightening because you don't know what to expect at this point.
The end of the trailer seems to be where they call professionals, with lots of equipment, you can see a 'thing' by the boys bed and you have no idea what it could be because the trailer doesn't tell you, the clicking comes on again, and she announces that its the boy that haunted, and they want to fix him, the older lady seems to be the miracle in the situation and she provides the family with help.

About half way into the film they say her only hope is one man, which is her uncle as we find out in the trailer, he appears to be feared and people think he is 'wierd', a young man says to Emma, after what he did, your family shouldn't have let him any where near you, this makes us think that he has done something wrong, but we don't know what, it looks like something to do with another 'exorcism' or some sort.

As the trailer ends, it gets louder and you see more scenes or horror, like holding her dad with her legs and going crazy, the bigger the ending the more impact it has on the viewer, this seems to be the largest trend in all of the research i have done so far.

My view upon this trailer was good, however there was something about it that didn't work, and i cant really think what it was, maybe it was the fact her uncle was clearly disliked and had done something, so why would you let him back? Apart from this the trailer was very frightening and i loved the techniques they used to get the attention they did.

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