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Friday, November 18, 2011

Research- Trailers.


This trailer is a family paranormal/supernatural and involves aspects of emotion not just scare, it is about a family, in a new house or something along these lines, and they seem to be very content with life, things start to get odd in the house and they must think that it is the house that is creating all this mysterious activity, however as we find out in the film its actually the young boy who is 'haunted' and they need to try and get whatever it is inside him, out.

With a simple 'Are you ready' and the ticking of the machine, prepares you for a dramatic trailer, the click creates tension and in turn makes the viewers excited. The clicking continues for a while, when the camera takes shots of the house and the family, they seem content and happy at the beginning, and the boy falling off the ladder somewhat disturbers this atmosphere.

The boy is then in hospital, we are unsure as to why and what happened because he is in a coma, the happy vibe at the beginning is down the drain at this point, this is when the family become very sad and strange things happen, with the simple movement of the house and the confusion of the woman immediately changes the view of the trailer.

The scene where the boy shuts his door very slowly is haunting because we have no idea what he is trying to hide from, could it be the noise we hear through the baby monitor? The idea to create a voice through a baby monitor is original and brilliant, as soon as you hear the 'NOW' she runs to the baby room and its crying, which makes a tense atmosphere and packs a punch in terms of locking in your interest.

The end of the trailer seems to be where they call professionals, with lots of equipment, you can see a 'thing' by the boys bed and you have no idea what it could be because the trailer doesn't tell you, the clicking comes on again, and she announces that its the boy that haunted, and they want to fix him, the older lady seems to be the miracle in the situation and she provides the family with help.

The end of the trailer also has lots of flashed images similar to the other trailers i have analysed, you see flashes of material you cant make up but you know are scary, and the flashes of the word INSIDIOUS IS, IS INSIDIOUS get faster and faster and louder and louder, this pushes and pushes the fear higher and higher making the audience more tense and tense, the final flash is someone running at the camera as fast as they can, which leaves the trailer with a bang, and effectively leaves a mark in your head.

I think this trailer gives away a little too much information and should give you more shocking scenes, i feel that it should start with a bang and end with a bigger bang, i found the start better than the finish personally.

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