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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Location Recess.

We have specific area's where we want to film our ideas.

                                       The Interview room

This is where we will be filming the young girl who has been a survivour of the night, the room is very simple and very plain so we can use this room to our advantage, its sutuated in the Library and it very silent so noone can hear us or upster the sound.

The woods

This image is my favourite, you feel isolated and      
this is great for making someone run down and           
being worried. This is the first plantation
      We found this underground cave, but its tricky to get in and
        its very wet, so we don't want to wreck the camera, or have
                                               to many sub-genres.

Some of these images are from different woods, they are more so plantations, which is good becasue you can see a massive tunnel shape going through the image, which gives a person a sence of insercuraty, because you cannot see which way you need to go. We have decied to choose only one of these plantations, and the cave we are deciding to scratch because it would include to many sub-genres.

 House Number 1

 This house is infact belongs to my father, its a barn house which is opposite our house, and is currently being used for nothing, so if we need to break things, and make a mess we can use this house and using the trailer we can make this house seem similar to the other via editing. 

House Number 2


This house is great, it is an old farm house, and no body lives here, however it still has visable characteristics and actually looks very scary, and the atmosphere even feels uneasy, which gives us a good shot when we film, the images are also brilliant because they look like they are shabby and gross, which is how this house has been left.

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