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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Here are the posters we made.

We decided to take the images we have created, and take 2 each (as there is now only 3 team members), we then came together and decided which one with though was the best. Our main aim was to try and created awkward spaces in term of the ABANDONED, we tried to relate to this in our posters.

Poster 1
When we discussed this poster, we thought that the open space was very effective, and we really liked the way the image was edited to gray scale, it makes the picture seem very empty, but haunting at the same time, the tree in the corner also looks good, it has no leaves so it gives a good scary foreground.

Poster 2
The centre of focus in tihs picture is the broken window in the middle, it looks mysterious in the way its completely black inside the house, also really liked the 'watch terror unfold' the way its almost lying across the roof, the problem with this poster is that the spaces created are not very large because your not really looking at a specific open area.

Poster 3
This poster has a brilliant open space, you can see high over the roof and the windows create a huge space being really far apart, i think however it looks slightly amateur with the red writing at the bottom not being very easily identified and i think the image should be a little dark around the edges because I'm not really getting the feel of abandoned.

Poster 4
This poster again has a nice open space, but I'm not so keen on the red abandoned title for some reason, i love how you can see the whole house and it looks quite frightening, i with the images was edited to look a little bit darker.

Poster 5
This poser has 3 windows in it, which does create quite a lot of space, and i think that the images also looked very bright and not scary, i really like the tree in the far right by the door of the house, however i don't think the image is scary enough.


Poster 6
I think this poster out of all the poster is my favourite, i think everything in readable in the picture, from her face to the writing on the picture, there is an awkward space in this picture, but it's not extremely big, but i don't think about that because he face it telling a story for, she looks lost, i don't need anything to sat that for me, we also thought it best to use this poster because when you look at her you feel something, like sorry for her in a way, and people will relate this more than the house, i also really liked the dark eyes and the pale skin, which make her look even better. We are going to use this image on our website also, because we want to have a reoccurring theme, and most other films do so.

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