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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Evaluation Question Two

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

One of the first things we had to think about at the start of the production of this whole project, was to think of a trending image I could use throughout the process of making my Trailer, Poster and Website, as soon as we thought of our genre then we knew we needed to find a image we all liked, and we found one. I had to make sure that each stage linked into each other so that the target audience know they are all related to the same film, so that the combination of all these marketing products give the film a good image, along with the developers.

The elements that help construct a good brand image include; Text, colour, using the main character in most of the stages, film title, and that the designs remains familiar. I wanted to concentrate on using my main character as my statement central image, and ensure that the mystery is the centre of attraction; this is why I included the image of Rosie looking totally empty both in my poster and webpage background. For the poster and website I did not want the face of the mystery to be seen because this is what keeps the audience anticipated and adds uncertainty to the audience e.g. for example in the film Rosie’s scream the in front of the camera creates this emotion because she is clearly distressed and we don’t know what is doing this to her, this in turn entices the audience to go and watch the film in the cinema to find out who or what it is. I also focused on using the same colour scheme for he poster and the website, and related this to the Horror trailer which was mainly black and white and some white for the text featured on each. I decided to do this because i like the Human Centipede poster which I got my inspiration from, because if you refer back to my research, its poster is basically the same as the webpage background, I wanted my poster to be simple but at the same time use techniques which entice the audience, I believe the image does this for me. I used the colour white for all of my text in the three stages because I feel that it gives the audience a clear view of what I am trying to put across and they can understand everything clearly, if they struggle to read it, they will get bored, for the website I used the same simply because it looks to dull with any other colour and websites are meant to be readable and understandable.

 I decided to break the convention of having the exact same image of the poster on my website, however they are still very similar, the reason for doing this is that we wanted to switch things up by adding a GIF as the background, however I must stress you can 100% tell that the website and the poster are very alike and they go well together because I tried to edit them in a similar way to each other.

The colour scheme used in all of my products was effective in establishing the genre of my film; I used the colour white stages of my coursework, I used it for the Text mostly because it gives a clue to the audience to what my film will about because the colour white for my products represents the supernatural, Ghosts, and simplicity. I used the colour black mostly for the background in some aspects of my poster, the trailer, and the website because the colour Black represents Dark, Mysterious, isolation and the colour of the creature unknown is which uncertainty and evil. I was determined on using the main character (Rosie) in all three stages of my product so that the she can be seen as an icon like in most horror trailers I analysed they would use the person as the trademark of the film for example The Human Centipede. Also I gave the Rosie a ‘look’ which is a lost and isolated person so that the audience can always identify with her loneliness and emptiness, the same look like ‘The Devil Inside’ the woman always looks so lost and scary.

Fonts used in all the products we produced are Tempus Sans Ms, you can see it has a spooky look to it hence the reason we chose out of all the fonts we tested on the ABANDONED movie title, as you can see in the production process when we tested about 20 fonts. The font that I used in other stages of my course work is Arial and Calibri, I used these fonts mainly because of the simplicity that it conveys on all aspects of my product just like the text you see on many other posters and websites that’s trying to get a message across that’s important and you need to be able to read. The writing on my film poster is Times New Roman.

Having more similarities between each of the ancillary texts, makes for a strong trio of products that can converge between each other to advertise what is the real product, that is the actual movie itself, when you look at my audience feedback you will also see that there is not one comment that suggests they are not linked, and they don’t work well together.

 If there was something I could change in my product I would have liked to create like a logo or symbol which will make my film more recognisable to the audience just like what The Blair Witch project did on their poster by having , lastly I would have also like to construct my film trailer in a more detailed way. 

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