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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Text in Trailer.

We have decided that we are going to add text at the start of our trailer as the story board shows, however we are also thinking about adding some in when the atmosphere starts to get more intense. Here are a few ideas we had.

We think this text gives a little too much away, it tells is that there is one survivor, and its a girl, and she is the one going to be telling the story, it doesn't really have any significant scary part, where it says 'only one survived to tell the story, is a little long winded and takes the scary aspect away.

This is better than the first one because it doesn't give as much information away, however i think the bottom part is still a little long winded.

This is my favourite because its more to the point, and prepares you for the things your about to see, it doesn't give to much away, and the bottom text is short and snappy, which gets straight to the point.


I think that this sets us up to prepare to be scared, so i don't think this should be used in the trailer.

 I also think this gives to much away, and doesn't create much tension, which is worse.

 This is the best one because it doesn't set the viewer up to be prepared, and it does create tension.


 This is the title we chose earlier on in the process.

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