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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Poster Research.

The Ruins

The brief overview of this film is that a few middle ages men and women go a trip, they end up in a forest, and find a place to camp for the night, its shaped similar to a pyramid, but things go downhill from the first night, something in the Ruins is making the vines vicious, this film may not be a paranormal film, however i think its good to have variety in the research you are looking at, because it can help you stay away from being to simplistic in your approach to creating a trailer, this film is similar to paranormal because the vines are controlled by something we have no idea about.

This poster has one single focus, which is the strain in that women's neck and its also shown on her face, the way the woman is stretching her nick so high, gives us a sense of struggle, and the fact the film makers decided to use a woman to create a sense of venerability.

Having the vines coming up her neck makes the tension in her neck seem even more prominent, this also makes the viewer assume that vines have something to do with the film, however the poster doesn't give to much away about the whole film, which is why doing this is a good idea.

The background is very dark and mysterious, i think that this helps reinforce the struggle of the woman in  the background, it also helps the actual title of THE RUINS stand out because its orange on a dark background, putting the title in capital letters also helps it stand out.

TERROR HAS EVOLVED is a slogan on the poster which makes you assume that something is going to go wrong, adding this to the poster is almost like the 'chery on top' and makes you want to see what the film is about.

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