The Unleashed
This trailer is called the unleashed, it is a Canadian film which i assume is about a group of friends that have done a Ouija Board in a house that they believe to be haunted, and they are suffering the consequences, the main character as you can see is a woman, and she is suffering from paranormal issues, like seeing things etc.
A similar sound effect is used almost the whole way through, you an never not hear a sound effect in a gap of at least 10 seconds, i think this is good because the sound effect is scary and keeps that tone throughout the trailer, however it an get a little repetitive.
The main scene of the film seems to be around this haunted house, at the begging the actress try's to address the fact its haunted by saying 'do you think it still haunted' After the woman coming through the door and looking for 'Maddison' you hear nothing but the one sound effect for about 18 seconds, this is a good way to keep up a scary atmosphere. As the sound effect is there you can see scary images also. For example 'The man sees a ghost in the back f his car, and the woman who is getting dragged upstairs, we have no idea what is doing/ causing this and if creates questioning in your mind.
The next scene is where you see the group of people ( they don't seem to be friends because of the age difference) doing a Ouija Board, and then invite something in with them, when this happens the thing they are holding there fingers on jumps, and they all take there hands off. You then hear a woman say 'communication with the other side should not be attempted if you have no experience, which immediately tells you that they have caused trouble.
After they have done the Ouija Board this is when things start to go wrong, you see grey hands on the board which are supposed to be ghosts, and then the sound effects come back on whilst the scary scenes are appearing, for example the girl crawling up the stairs, and she seems to be going crazy because she sees all her friends as ghosts or something.
I thought this trailer was the worst out of the trailers that i have looked at because i found it a little annoying more than exciting, due the repetitiveness of the sound effects and i thought that it didn't look very realistic, i also think that the ghosts look unreal because they were almost a silver colour, the eyes of the friends we like light bulbs and i really didn't feel scared r shocked.